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Reetta Heiskanen

With her roots in the Finnish startup scene and journalism, Reetta Heiskanen (M.Soc.Sc) writes and talks about the future of work, equality and digital solutions. She co-launched programming and robotics courses in Nordic highschools with the Mehackit team in 2015 and truly believes in democratizing technology skills for the future generations. Today, based in Brooklyn, she leads Brella’s customer development projects in the U.S. Reetta was selected as the Nordic voice to the global Millenial Bloggers group, which consists of innovators in entrepreneurship, journalism, education and academic scholarship. She is a member of the Millenial Board community, which advices Nordic CEO’s in strategy, technology and current affairs. Reetta is a Master of Social Sciences from the department of Political and Economic studies, University of Helsinki. In her free-time she enjoys yoga, exploring New York parks and old bookstores!


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