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Colin Moon

Antropologen Colin Moon är brittisk men har arbetat och bott utomlands i över 30 år. Han är nu bosatt i Sverige. Colin Moon har föreläst i Norden, Europa och i ett antal andra länder i över 20 år. Han är en så pass hyllad föreläsare så att han tilldelades utmärkelsen Årets talare 2012 i Sverige. ’Sedan dess har jag bara blivit bättre och bättre’, säger den blygsamma Colin, med glimten i ögat. Han är välkänd för att i sina föreläsningar bjuda på insikter, kunskap och en stor dos underhållning. ’Kunskap förmedlad med humor med respekt går alltid hem’, säger Colin som oftast får toppbetyg i utvärderingarna. Aktuell föreläsning: 

Cracking the Nordic Code

How to make Nordic teams more effective – build on the similarities and be aware of the differences. Why do Swedish companies have an obligatory staff meeting on Monday morning, even digitally? Why do Danes agree to a plan and then go home and do something completely different? How come there is no Norwegian in the office after 4 pm? And why is an awkward silence in Finland never awkward? However, the Nordic business cultures have much in common. Key factors are equality, efficiency and modesty. Nordics are deal-focused, solution-oriented, and transparent. This is known globally as the Nordic model. The rest of the world often considers the Nordic area as one reliable entity. But is that so? Are the Nordics one big happy family? They may be happy (all countries ranked in the top ten in the World Happiness Report 2021) but do they always understand each other so well? Family members often have their differences. And in the Nordics there are definitely subtle cultural differences. Sometimes so subtle that these cultural differences can cause more confusion (and irritation) than the big, obvious ones between other business cultures. Looking closely, you can see there are different ways how each of these Nordic business cultures gets things done. The key to successful cross-Nordic cooperation demands not only a knowledge of the strong similarities but also an awareness of the significant differences. In many companies and institutions there is a Nordic organisation – ’Four countries, one company’. Nowadays, the Baltics often a part of the group, and this extended organisation opens for more cross-cultural teamwork. What’s more, the Nordics often come under the umbrella of Northern Europe. The need for a better understanding of cultural differences becomes greater and greater. Are you ready to meet the challenges? Join lively, witty anthropologist Colin Moon as he highlights cultural similarities and differences in the Nordic business world and beyond. Nordic and international audiences love to recognise themselves and each other in Colin’s spot-on observations and expert analyses. Colin Moon, anthropologist and expert on international business communication

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